Past Years
Universal News Network 11/20/2024
Diwali celebration at the library
American Libraries 6/3/2024
Seeking Sanctuary: Public libraries establish themselves as book sanctuaries to counter bans
Stamford Advocate 6/14/2023
CT librarians weigh in on book bans
News 12 5/25/2023
Actor Andrew McCarthy speaks at Ferguson Library
Book Riot 5/19/2023
CT bill would fund book sanctuary libraries
Stamford Advocate 5/11/2023
Actor Andrew McCarthy to speak at library
News 12 4/13/2023
Bill would pay libraries to keep banned books
Stamford Advocate 3/25/23
CT librarians raise voices about banned books
Stamford Advocate 1/10/2023
Library Takes a Stand to Protect Right to Read
Stamford Advocate 1/9/2023
What's Stamford doing with 6M+ in federal funds? Building a new library branch
News 12 12/27/2022
Library celebrates Kwanzaa
Patch 9/26/2022
Library receives threats after drag storytime
Stamford Advocate 9/23/2022
Opinion: Banned Books Week
Stamford Advocate 8/22/2022
CT Nonprofit Honors Liberation from Slavery
Stamford Advocate 8/5/22
Stamford's Ferguson Library to open West Side location
Stamford Advocate 7/10/22
Stamford in line for $9 in earmarks for new library branch
Stamford Advocate 6/5/2022
Juneteenth program
News 12 12/8/2021
FEMA Recovery Center opens at the Harry Bennett Branch
Stamford Advocate 10/30/2021
Ferguson pitches new branches to planning board
Stamford Advocate 9/28/2021
Ferguson Library expands internet access
Stamford Advocate 6/5/2021
Ferguson Library ditches fines
Stamford Advocate 4/25/2021
During COVID, what got Stamford reading?
Stamford Advocate 3/12/2021
Library to keep COVID capacity limits in place
Stamford Advocate 3/6/2021
City $ proposed to help outside agencies during COVID
News 12 3/2/2021
Dr. Seuss estate to cease publication of 6 books
News 12 10/28/2020
Interview with Josephine Fulcher Anderson on South End 50th Anniversary (10/20)
Stamford Advocate 10/16/2020
Models bring elements of play to library
Stamford Advocate 8/14/2020
Ferguson revamps entrepreneur assistance in response to COVID
News 12 7/6/2020
Ferguson Library reopens
Stamford Advocate 5/14/2020
Stamford students can grab and go books
Stamford Advocate 4/11/2020
Stuck at home? Check out The Ferguson Library
Media Contact
Linda Avellar
Director of Development and Communication
Daytime phone: (203)351-8208
After-hours phone: (203)515-6572
Library News

Library Commemorates the 60th Anniversary of the March on Washington

New Books in Turkish for Kids
The Youth Services department would like to recognize Defne and Berna of the Merih family for their generous donation of books for children in Turkish! More than 200 new titles have been added to the Juvenile World Languages Collection at the Main Library so stop in and find your next great read.
Many thanks to the Merih family for their wonderful gift to the community.